Apartment Owners in Distress Over Possible Short Sales

Real estate investors often look at apartment buildings as a good deal because they provide recurring income. Apartments that are properly maintained and managed efficiently draw reputable residents who pay their rent on time and take care of their property. Converting a run-down complex into a profitable real estate venture is a great idea if […]

Real Estate Investors in Distress as Market Regains Its Balance

West Hollywood California Neighborhood at Late Afternoon

Since the pandemic, investors and lenders have been trying to accommodate the changing financial times by refinancing and restructuring existing loans. Mutual agreements between the two groups made it possible for many borrowers to create somewhat of a comfort zone where they would be able to manage their investments without too much friction.  Even though […]

Understanding What Happens After a Short Sale in Real Estate

Neighborhood in Suburban California

Selling a home below what is owed to the lender, also known as a short sale, may help a homeowner who has experienced a financial catastrophe or upside down on their property. The process does take some time to complete, and homeowners benefit significantly from hiring a professional to help with the short sale procedure.  […]

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